What is hlādinī-śakti?

108 words for Gurudev

hlādinī-śakti [energy, ability, strength, effort, power that brings pleasure, bliss, happiness]

The Upaniśads tell us that the divine, the soul, the self (ātma) existed even before the universe. Cosmic creation took place when that divine substance expanded into matter in order to create all existing things. The vehicle for that expansion—which is still going on everywhere and at every moment—is energy (śakti).

Energy is not soul, but without energy the soul has no being, no life, no relation, no attraction, no longing, no desire, no zeal. In short: no love. Energy is not the divine itself; it is what brings the divine into being through potency of love.                           

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Love and the guṇas


O mighty-armed Arjuna, the three guṇas born of material nature–goodness, passion and ignorance–bind the immutable living entity who dwells within the body 

Bhagavad-gītā, 14.5

The meaning of life is to love, its highest purpose is to love God. 

If every drop of love that dwells in our hearts emanates from the divine soul within us, then it is also the nature of that love to return to its source. This is our most natural tendency: to love our way back to God, driven by a loving energy that is equally divine.

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